Sunday, June 24, 2007

Turn Up The Intensity

Good Morning All!!

I awoke to another stunning Montana morning, the fresh smell of mountain air and the chorus of birds radiating in my ears! Today I am tweaking my personal agenda just a bit.....I am making a conscious effort to increase the amount of intensity in both my business and personal arenas! Although it is almost magical living here, especially after 15 years in the metro-circus of Denver, Seattle and La Jolla, a person tends to become a bit"soft"!

I am starting this morning by attacking a new and more high-octane workout, a new 4 week program that is guaranteed to shock my body into new and exciting results! Next, I am going to make some time to adjust my direct marketing agenda...a fresh new approach to jump start new business and revive the momentum of my excellent team!

Have a super Sunday, and inject some new intensity into your, love and laugh!

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