Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Love Fueled Rollercoaster

It's great to be back after a couple days in Salt Lake City enjoying some awesome weather and a tour of the hottest new company on the planet....XanGo!!
I had the opportunity to spend the past week with a very, very special woman! Someone who I would marry right this second if she would simply say "yes"!! Although we have not had the luxury of spending more than 3 weeks out of the past 6 months together, and we live 6000 miles apart, I am totally in love! I had forgotten how the emotional highs and lows would come into the equation, and how much I still have to learn and pay attention to the things that I say! I have always been very straight forward, and spontaneous to a fault, and I have regrettably said a couple things that I would dearly love to take back!!
So, onward and upward......always remember that we sometimes say and do things to those "most special to us" that produce the completely wrong reaction! Never take love lightly, nor the feelings of someone so special to you!!

Have an awesome evening!


1 comment:

Dare to Dream said...

Thanks Mr Prince Charming!I loved it too! Yes you´re right we shall always be more careful with our dear ones! Enjoy life & love like it was your last day! Kisses for you! Love/ML