Sunday, July 15, 2007

It Has To Be Montana

Friday's trip to Yellowstone National Park, another new exposure for someone (which I so enjoy) and a classic Montana weather experience!! Upon entering the park, the temperature was 98 degrees. After venturing to see Old Faithful, we headed back and the temperature rapidly dropped to 53 degrees, hail was an inch deep on the road in some spots, and at one point we stopped and got out to make snowballs!! Only in Montana......the temp drops 45 degrees in mid-July, hail everywhere and dense fog!!

Yellowstone National Park is such an experience, the vastness of the area and the incredible variety of wildlife make it a truly outstanding experience, one that should be experienced by everyone at some point!!

Today is another great hike, hot weather and a nice lunch and a great outdoor dinner.....95 to 100 degrees again today!! Live, laugh and love!!

1 comment:

Dare to Dream said...

Lucky you,I wish I was there....
Have fun,love/ML