Monday, September 24, 2007

Personal Trainer Certified!!

Mission accomplished! I just returned from taking my other certification test for my personal trianing business and new career.......PASSED!!!!!! Yeehaw! I am going to get the exposure program ramped up; brochure, website, business cards, newspaper, and some serious word of mouth! Here we go......turn the page and get ready for the new life, new career, new outlook, new happiness, and new perspective!
Stay tuned, I'll keep things current here!

Live,laugh and love!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Time certainly does fly.....

WOW! Where did a week go? I can't believe how time carried on for the past 7 days!! I have had my head buried in a text book and my eyes stuck to my computer studying for my last certification....taking the test in a few short days. It has been really awesome these past few days, hearing from people who want to train, telling me about people who need to train, and getting tons of very positive feedback regarding my new endeavor! I can't wait.......and i am a terrible waiter, as my friends can attest to!

Live,laugh and love!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Personal Training Evolution!

I am finding out just how many friends and acquaintances are suddenly in need of fitness advice, knowing I have been involved personally for 30 years, but now with my certifications I seem to be in demand! HUH!!
The studying is coming along, my brain is getting a solid meal of information, and I am ready to bring this thing full circle and take the exam next week!
I have an opportunity to visit a health club owner in Nevada about the possibility of a great new career.....2 weeks away! Stay tuned!

Live,laugh and love!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Textbook Time!

This weekend signals the beginning of my next "chapter" in studying for my second personal training certification. Round one consists of a 675 page textbook, followed up by 3 video series and corresponding manuals for follow up! I am 500 pages into the textbook, finishing up Monday and getting into the video portion of my studying. I have always enjoyed "brain food", and I am getting a steady menu of it now.....what fun!! There's a whole lot to be said about acquired knowlege and new beginnings!!!

Live,laugh and love!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Another Training Thought.....

I had another training thought today.....what about the soccer club that I coach for? There are enough teams and players to keep me very busy, and at the same time strengthen the competitiveness of the local teams! I am also beginning to explore website design, taking a look around and gathering information. Change is incredible!! New thoughts, ideas, exposures, knowledge and windmills to chase!!

Live, laugh and love!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Myth Busters!!!!

Think about this......if you can have the best physical conditioning of your life, regardless of your age, would you take it? Yeah, it's a very silly question! This is one of the approaches I am going to pursue and promote with my new training. I might even call it Myth Busters, or something along those lines, and focus on the baby boomers......I am in the best shape of my life at 49 years young and I think it's time to share!!
The only boundaries we have internally are self imposed.......want to blast through them?

Live,laugh and love!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Good Morning and Happy September!!

Another month rolled by, and a new season is rapidly approaching......WHEW!!
I am getting ready to create a website for my new personal training business. It's going to be a combination referral/store front venue for the business, creating awareness for myself and my business along with training and related information that can be subscribed to on a monthly basis.

Finally I am getting to a place where I am totally content simply helping others, having a chance to give somethings back that I have accumulated over the past 30 plus years training myself and others!! Stay tuned, it's going to be off the charts!!

Live, laugh and love!